Everyday Henry meets something new-The day Henry met a Whale! The dayHenry met the Moon!, The day Henry met a Car! How exciting, I wonder whatHenry's going to meet today?
Henry is a 4 year oldboy who always wants to learn and find out more. Soeach episode he has a friendly chat with what ever he meets-
-Hello Whale, How do you stay under water for so long?
-Hello Moon, Why do you only come out at night?
-Hello Car, What makes you go so fast?
No matter what Henry meets, they’re always delighted to talk, laugh andshare their amazing world with him. He finds out so many amazing thingsabout his new friends, he lets his imagination run wild and imagines himself.
-As a deep sea diver under the ocean with the Whale.
-As an astronaut flying to the moon.
-As a race car driver, in the middle of a race.
Every episode ends with Henry's mother calling him. Before he leaves healways tells his new friends it was lovely talking to themand hopes they havea nice day